mardi 21 septembre 2021

Champagne Berger - B15


Guide VERON des Champagnes 2022
(around 24 euros per bottle)


Golden, dense and bright.


Confident generosity, with scents of red and black fruits, delicate spices and exotic fruits, coupled with toasted touches, radiant characteristic signs of the black varietals carefully harvested by hand in 2015.


Sensual balance between bright liveliness and delicious and fruity structure, supported by the minerality.

For this reserved and numbered cuvée B15, Barbara and Céline selected their most beautiful grapes, in 2015, in their wine estate certified Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne and High Environmental Value, to offer us a touching blanc de noirs.


Champagne Berger
37 rue Pascal
02 850 Trélou-sur-Marne
Tel.: +33 (0)3 23 70 25 82